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SBM Ultrafine Powder Tech Wish You All Good Health During The Dragon Boat Festival

2022-06-02 13:59:31 Micro Powder Technology

Tomorrow is the traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival. SBM Ultrafine Powder Tech Company wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

The Dragon Boat Festival
Make Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival

The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival

There are many origins and legends of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the most widely circulated one is to commemorate Qu Yuan. It is said that Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, and was trapped by a dragon after his death. It is also said that after Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River, the local people immediately rowed boats to rescue him after hearing the news, and went straight to Dongting Lake, but Qu Yuan's body was never seen.

At that time, it was a rainy day, and the boats on the lake gathered together beside Yuiko on the shore. When people learned that they were salvaging the virtuous official Doctor Qu, they rushed out in the rain again and rushed to row into the vast Dongting Lake. In order to express their grief, people rowed boats on rivers and rivers, and then gradually developed into dragon boat racing.

Chu poet Quyuan
Chu poet Quyuan

The customs of the Dragon Boat Festival

1. Dragon boat racing

Dragon boat racing is a multi-person collective paddling competition. It is an important event on the Dragon Boat Festival. It is still very popular in the coastal areas of southern my country. This is a form of dragon worship in folk beliefs, using the divine power of the dragon to pray for blessings and ward off evil spirits. The dragon boat race is divided into several links, such as inviting dragons, offering sacrifices to dragon gods, swimming dragons and collecting dragons. Before the dragon boat race, the dragon and the gods must be invited. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, you have to get out of the water. After you have sacrificed to the gods, install the dragon head and dragon tail, and then prepare for the race.

Dragon-boat Racing

2. Eat traditional Chinese rice-pudding-zongzi

Eating zongzi is one of the important traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. The main materials are glutinous rice and stuffing, which are wrapped with scorpion leaves (or hijiri leaves and scorpion leaves). Due to the different eating habits in different places, there are two types of zongzi: salty zongzi and sweet zongzi.


3. Wear a sachet-perfume bag

Wearing a sachet is one of the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. The sachet is usually filled with some fragrant and enlightening Chinese herbal medicines, which have the functions of fragrance, deworming, pest avoidance and disease prevention. Duanyang ties his arms with four-color threads and wears a sachet. It is small and exquisite and has become a common handicraft. Children wear sachets on the Dragon Boat Festival, which is said to have the meaning of warding off evil spirits and expelling plagues. In some southern cities, young men and women also use sachets to express their deep love.

perfume bag

4. Jumping Zhongkui and hanging the statue of Zhongkui

Dancing Zhongkui is a folk dance, also known as "playing Zhongkui". It originated from the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a traditional folk performance left over from ancient Huizhou. In the folk, Zhong Kui is a symbol of warding off evil and righteousness, and dancing Zhong Kui on the Dragon Boat Festival means the elimination of five poisons, peace in the four seasons, and a prosperous life.

Zhong Kui catching ghosts is a popular custom of the Dragon Boat Festival in the Jianghuai area. In the Jianghuai area, every family hangs Zhongkui statues to ward off evil spirits.

Zhong Kui
Zhong Kui

5. Tie five-color silk thread

Five-color silk thread, commonly known as five-color silk, colorful silk. In ancient China, the five colors were revered and regarded as auspicious colors. In the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, the first important thing for adults to get up was to tie the five-color thread made of thick red, green, yellow, white and black silk threads on the children's wrists, ankles, and necks.

When tying the cord, the child is not allowed to speak. There is also a saying that on the first rainy day after the Dragon Boat Festival, cutting the colorful threads and throwing them in the rain means letting the river water wash away plagues and diseases and bring good luck for the year.


6. Drink realgar wine

The custom of drinking realgar wine on the Dragon Boat Festival was very popular in the Yangtze River basin. Realgar is a kind of Chinese medicinal material, which can cure all kinds of insect poisoning and insect and animal injuries. There are folk sayings such as "drinking realgar wine, all diseases will go away". However, modern scientific research has shown that realgar wine is acceptable for external use, but it is harmful to drink internally, so caution is required.

Realgar wine